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Packing a school lunchbox

When children eat well they behave better, are able to listen well and concentrate for longer. Packing a healthy school lunchbox will help your child to learn and be happy at school.

Steps to planning a healthy lunchbox
  1. Make time to prepare. Have fresh fruit and vegetables, milk and yogurt, bread and crackers all bought in advance.

  2. Shop wisely and save money. Buy fresh fruit and vegetables in season to ensure good quality and value for money.

  3. Make your own snacks. For example snack packs from fresh ingredients which you can buy in bulk.

  4. Look after the environment. Put sandwiches and other items in reusable containers. This uses less packaging and creates less rubbish.

  5. Choose a variety of foods from the 5 food groups (see table below).

  6. Include a bottle of water. No need for sweetened drinks such as juice, cordial or soft drink as these contain too much sugar which is not good for teeth. Non-water drinkers usually start drinking water with the example of other children. Freeze a small quantity each night and top up with cold water in the morning for a cool summer drink.

  7. Keep food cool. In warm weather freeze a water bottle or put a small ice pack in the lunchbox.

What makes a healthy lunchbox?

Remember to involve your children in preparing and packing their own lunchbox.


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